10 November 2010

A Storage Unit Full of Optimism

When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
Franklin D. Roosevelt

Some days are tougher than others. This is the first training that I’ve attended with C and sometimes I’m not sure if H and I are more of a burden or a help – are we one more thing to juggle or a built-in support system? On the tough days, I know that I’m right where I should be.

C is still doing excellent in ground school. He continues to excel on his tests and is thriving in the sim. But some days the magnitude of it all settles in and is simply overwhelming. He has so much to accomplish in the coming months that sometimes it feels like there’s no good place to start.

C in his "study chair"
So what can I do during these moments? I reach for my key and unlock my internal storage unit, brimming with optimism. Sometimes we all just need to be told we’re on the right track and remember that we have a fan club of our very own. I may not be able to create more hours in the day or memorize endless amounts of information for him, but I can remind C why he’s here and how hard he’s worked to get here. Sometimes a simple “I’m proud of you” is all it takes.

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” 
Abraham Lincoln