19 October 2011

The Stuff of Which Dreams Are Made

Assignment Night: Big event 1 of 2 that marks the end of UPT. Anxious faces, shaking hands, nervous laughs. What does the future hold for the students and spouses of Class 12-01?

For all of the tension leading up to the big night, the final product was extraordinary. Date change and facility obstacles were completely forgotten as the decked out hangar filled with supporters and food. 

The night was truly a celebration. Never have I seen so many happy faces, so many dreams realized. 

The assignments (known as “the drop”) were cream of the crop and at the top of nearly every student’s wish list. The excitement was contagious, even for those of us who already had our assignment. C and I rejoiced with his classmates – these people, who have become like a family over the past year, have a career of adventures ahead of them and we could not be more thrilled.