25 January 2011

Bird on a Wire

Birds migrate. This is certainly no big secret. What I didn’t fully comprehend was that, in moving to the southern regions of the U.S., birds migrate HERE. They’re everywhere! From the power lines, to the plentiful harvested fields, and of course, in the air.  The presence of so many feathered creatures not only provides endless entertainment/angst for my dog,

but also causeed the Air Force to develop such terms as: Bird Severe. Naturally, birds and jet engines are not the best combination, but the migration effect is so out of control that the phenomenon has been titled as an actual flight condition (much like weather) that halts or redirects flights.

"Bird Severe"

So, during the winter months of pilot training, not only do students contend with snow, ice, and bone-freezing temperatures, they also are on constant alert for flocks so large they more resemble a black storm cloud.